Monday, 15 April 2013

Get to know me tag

Hey guys so today's post is going to be a get to know me tag, I feel its a good idea that you get to know the people behind the blogs so you know abit about them but not too much haha.

 Name: Keira.
 Nickname: Shakira, kiki. But I don't really like them!
 Birthday: 25.09.1996
    Place of birth: Cumbria.
Star Sign: Libra.
Occupation: Still in school.
Hair colour: Dark brown.
Hair length: Just past my shoulders.
Eye colour: Green.
Best feature: Eyes.
Braces: No.
Piercings: Ears.
Tattoo's: No.
Righty or lefty? Righty.
First best friend: I can't remember.
First award: Swimming.
First sport: Gymnastics.
First holiday: Cleethorpes.
First concert: Party in the park way back when I was like 6.
Favorite film: Grease.
Favorite TV show: Anything real life medical.
Favorite Colour: Pink.
Favorite song: Argh too many to pick from.
Favorite restaurant: Nando's.
Favorite store: Superdrug.
Favorite book: Hard one really as I don't read much.
Favorite magazine: Anything real life.
Favorite shoes: Flossy's.

I hope this post helps you get to know me a bit better. 

Thanks guys

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